Why We Are Leaving the Acts 29 Network
/Our church leadership has recently made the decision to leave the Acts 29 Network. The content of the letter we sent them today is below. I am including several considerations before I share the letter
Our leadership has been having these conversations for a number of years. But our unease began as far back as 2016. Until recently we felt that we were still had an opportunity to make an influence on these issues.
We have a lot of love and respect for many of the pastors and churches in the network. We have learned a lot and been blessed in so many ways. We are truly thankful. We will continue to fellowship and work with these friends as we are able.
We have intentionally moved slowly in this as we do not believe that we should sever or create ties of Christian fellowship casually. We have had many conversations and made a number of attempts to voice our concerns so that we could avoid this.
One of the driving reasons for finally making this decision is the realization that the network has no organizational process or structure for change or accountability.
We are working through the next steps of what future association looks like. Please pray.
February 16, 2024
To the Acts 29 leadership,
It is with sadness and regret that we inform you that our Church, Free Grace Church Fresno, has decided to withdraw from the Acts 29 Network. Our leadership has been having conversations about this for years as we watched the network drift into practices and teaching that have been more shaped by worldly philosophies than scripture, and that have brought false condemnation on its members, unnecessary division, and a drift from the mission. Our church has been privileged to have some great seasons of fellowship and partnership with churches in the network, and we are thankful for this. We will continue to work together with those churches outside the network as we are able. But it seems clear that the network leadership is intent on leading in a different direction from what it has in the past, as well as many of its members. In our estimation the network has changed, not us. "Can two walk together, except they be agreed?" Amos 3:3
Our concerns have continued to grow over the last 5+ years by the way the network chose to address the issues that were causing so much polarization in the culture, especially with regard to race, class, and gender. While some of this was helpful, there was also push to formally teach and train our churches in unbiblical ways of thinking about these things. Further, when attempts were made to ask questions or disagree with this teaching, member churches and pastors were often met with dismissal, insults, hostility, and accusations. I (Pastor Matt Troupe) have experienced this on several occasions within the network and spoken to many other pastors that have similar stories to tell. Efforts to challenge or even ask questions about network positions have been cast as divisive or disloyal. My attempts to address these issues with network leadership have been met with defensiveness and an unwillingness to listen to what I and so many others have been saying.
Several notable examples of network leaders being fired (e.g. Shaun Garman) or churches being dismissed (The Well Church Boulder CO) without scriptural due process, show a dangerous accretion of power that is resistant to accountability or criticism. It has become clear that the Board of Acts 29 is not willing to consider our concerns, and that there is no mechanism for accountability or change. Who is the board accountable to? We have been told things like "we are not a denomination and we are not a democracy, we do what the board says." After years of attempting to maintain the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace while also pursuing reform through conversations and the writing of letters, it seems clear that the only thing left to do is to make a vote by leaving. Our hope is that our departure will be an opportunity for the network leaders to reflect in humility and change.
Pastor Matt Troupe