Praying the Lord's Prayer
Recently in our D-groups we have been studying and using the Lord's prayer to help us grow in our prayer lives. We used this guide as a tool to help us use the petitions and priorities in the Lord's prayer to give structure and life to our times of prayer. Several mentioned this would be helpful for them to have on hand.
The two documents attached are versions of this prayer guide that you can add to your mobile device. The epub book will easily open on your iPhone. The other can be used on any device.
PDF version
Epub Version
This is the content of the guide is here below:
Lord’s Prayer Guide
This is a tool to help you learn to use the Lord’s Prayer to help in your daily walk with God. Pray through all 6 of the petitions and use the suggestions to help prompt you to pray through these priorities.
Matthew 6:9-15
9 Pray then like this:
“Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
10 Your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
11 Give us this day our daily bread,
12 and forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
14 For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, 15 but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
The Holy Bible: English Standard Version. Wheaton: Standard Bible Society, 2001. Print.
V.9 “Our father in Heaven hallowed be your name”
- Confess that God is your father, that you trust him as a child. Thank him for adopting you and inviting you to come near.
- Confess that he is in heaven, that he is Lord, and that you trust him as the creator and sustainer of all things. Confess that he is able and willing to answer your prayers.
- Confess and remember that you are not alone as a Christian. We pray "our” father. Thank him that you are a member of his family.
- Pray that his name would be honored in your life, and your family, and a your church, and your community
- Reflect on the glory of his name and attributes and worship him. Consider some attribute of God expressed in one of his names. For example: Lord, father, provider, eternal, unchangeable, merciful, loving, just, holy, and sovereign.
- Ask him to show you more of his glory, and that you would trust and delight in him above all.
V.10 “Your kingdom come”
- Thank God for bringing you into his kingdom out of the darkness.
- Pray for pastors, missionaries, and ministries that are serving the Lord.
- Pray for their needs, support, and fruitfulness.
- Pray that God would raise up more workers for his kingdom.
- Pray that God would save the lost people in your life. Pray for them by name.
- Pray for revival in our city and land.
V.10 “Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”
- Pray that God would make is will known to you. Ask that God would give you understanding of his word, and send you friends and counselors to speak the truth to you.
- Pray that he would guide you in difficult decisions.
- Ask God to give you strength to obey his will in areas where you struggle. Ask him to help you obey perfectly and joyfully like the angels.
- Ask God to help you deal with areas of difficulty in your life.
V.11 “Give us this day our daily bread”
- Pray that God would meet your needs.
- Thank him for his generous provision.
- Ask him to give you contentment.
- Ask him to teach you generosity and how to share.
- Ask him to help you with anxiety and consumerism.
- Pray for unemployed people, disabled people, those who need better jobs, etc.
V.12 “Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors”
- Confess your sins the Lord. Ask him to search you and show you areas of your life that are out of step with his will.
- Confess your faith in his forgiving power.
- Ask God to teach you to be a forgiving person and save you from bitterness. Ask for his blessing on your enemies.
- Ask specifically for him to forgive those who have hurt and offended you.
V.13 “Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil”
- Ask for him to guard us from the work of the evil one.
- Pray that he would keep us from playing with temptation in our own strength.
- Ask for awareness of the way of escape from temptation, and for grace to take it.
- Ask for help to put off the old man and put on the new man in Christ.
- Pray that he would make you like Jesus.